I’ve just finished a supplement to the general relativity article I posted a few weeks ago in the physics for mathematicians series. This one is about the Lagrangian approach to general relativity; while it’s a bit more abstract than the approach I took in the main article, I found when learning the theory that it offered a very useful perspective, so I wanted to share it. The article also contains an exploration of a topic that I got quite stuck on when learning this material myself: the relationship between the energy-momentum tensor as it emerges from Einstein’s theory and the concept of energy-momentum we already have from non-gravitational physics.

I’m still working on other articles for this series. The next one might be the one on Lagrangians in classical field theory I mentioned in the last update, and it might also be the third entry in the quantum field theory sequence, which I currently expect will end up being around four to six articles long. As always, if there’s a topic you’d like to see covered in this style, please reach out and let me know!